Film: To Be Or Not To Be
Year: 1942
Where I Saw It: Netflix
Now, I know what you may be thinking. 1942? I thought Mel Brooks made that film in the 1980's. I KNOW! I thought that too! I was just as surprised to find out it was a remake. Having seen both films, I'll say this. The Mel Brooks one is funnier but this film is edgier.
For those of you who don't know the story, it's about a failing acting troupe in Poland right before the Germans take over. When war breaks out, the troupe must now use their acting skills to impersonate Nazis in order to help members of the Polish underground. This is what what I mean by edgier. LOOK AT WHEN THIS FILM WAS MADE!!! Can you imagine even pitching a film with a plot line like this during that time? It would be like pitching a comedy about 9/11 in 2002 or filming a slapstick about Afghanistan.
This film is also incredibly funny. It's got that touch of camp mixed with vindictiveness that only older films of that time can deliver (if you're confused by that statement watch The Three Stooges Meet The Nazis, you'll see what I mean). The whole plot is outrageous and the characters are fantastic. It's a great film. I don't think Mel Brooks remade it with thoughts of making it better, but as an homage to it.
One Last Point - I'm really blown away by the balls of this film. We like to think our time is a lot more edgier when it comes to content of films but after watching this film, I would say we have a long way to go in order to match the issues and content of the past.
nice - you have me sold on this film